At the 2012 Nishikigoi show held in Japan, the largest and most prolific Nishikigoi show in the world, a 6 year old, 84cm Showa owned by Mr Jitsuo Takagi, bred by the Dainichi Koi Farm, was crowned the All Japan Grand Champion. The Grand Champion Showa was fed and grown using Saki-Hikari diets as its primary diet. This is the 9th consecutive All Japan Grand Champion to be raised on the world's most technologically advanced Koi diets, extending the brands uninterrupted winning streak which began in 2003 (no show was held in 2004).
Saki-Hikari is a unique range of fish foods specifically developed for Nishikigoi professionals and Koi enthusiasts. The world's first scientifically developed, probiotic Koi diets, Saki-Hikari is a revolutionary range of foods for all stages of the Nishikigoi's life. Made from the finest quality proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids and fats, Saki-Hikari provide the perfect balance of ingredients for fat-deposit-free growth.